Parcerias Institucionais, Intercâmbios e Convênios

Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Engenharia de Produção


Partnerships and Institutional Relations

The Program had the MINTER Project (Inter-institutional Master's Degree), a partnership between the UNIP, promoter, and the FSA - Faculdade Santo Agostinho (Teresina - PI), recipient, approved by CAPES on 11/25/2014. Since 2018, the DINTER project (Institutional Doctorate) has been in force, with the partner of the Santo Agostinho University Center (Teresina – PI), approved by CAPES.
The Universidade Paulista (UNIP) and the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Southern Minas Gerais (IFSULDEMINAS, Campus Inconfidentes) are signatories of the Scientific Cooperation Agreement.
The Program also has institutional partnerships with the Federal Institute of SP and the Federal Institute of the ES, through students who study the Doctorate of UNIP.
It maintains close partnership with the FATECs - of the State of São Paulo, through several students who study the Program.

The Program's teachers maintain institutional relations of cooperation with the following foundations, companies and / or institutions:

  • FNQ – National Quality Foundation – National Quality Award
  • IPG – Paulista Institute for Management Excellence – Paulista Award for Quality Management
  • ABEPRO - Brazilian Association of Production Engineering
  • EMBRAPA - Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation
  • ABGC - Associação Brasileira de Gestão do Conhecimento
  • Institute of Advanced Studies - USP
  • Medical school - USP
  • University of Taubaté
  • Federal University of São Carlos
  • ABM - Brazilian Association of Materials - CODESP – Docas Company of the State of São Paulo

Partnerships for Research Projects

  • Partnership with the Carlos Alberto Vanzolini Foundation.
  • Partnership with Institute of Advanced Studies – USP for research in the area of Logic and Theory of Science (Non-Classical Logics and Artificial Intelligence).
  • Partnership with the USP School of Medicine, Department of Informatics, for research in Neural, Artificial and Paraconsistent Networks for applications in pattern recognition.
  • Partnership with GLPA - Applied Paraconsistent Logic Group - UNISANTA.
  • Partnership with EMBRAPA for research on the evolution of soybean production in Brazil.
  • Partnership in study group about Industry 4.0.

The PPGEP - UNIP maintains permanent contact and collaboration partnerships with researchers of the other Postgraduate Programs, listed below, highlighting:

  • PostStricto Sensu Graduate Program in Production Engineering at EESC-USP.
  • Master's Program in Production Engineering – UNINOVE.
  • PostStricto Sensu Graduate Program in Production Engineering of the Polytechnic School of USP. - Master's Program in Production Engineering of UNIARA - University Center of Araraquara.
  • Postgraduate Program at Faculty of Agrarian Sciences (FCA) Master's Program in Agribusiness – UFGD.
  • PostStricto Sensu Graduate Program in Production Engineering of the Federal University of São Carlos.
  • Postgraduation Program of the School of Agricultural Engineering of UNICAMP. 
  • PostStricto Sensu Graduate Program in Production Engineering of the Federal University of Itajubá.  
  • PostStricto Sensu Graduate Program in Production Engineering of the School of Engineering of Guaratinguetá, UNESP – Paulista State University “Julio de Mesquita Filho”.


  • University of Porto - Portugal - traineeship by Prof. Dr. João Gilberto Mendes dos Reis through the Banco Santander stock Exchange.
  • Protocol of Cooperation with UTAD - University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro.
  • Signatory of the International Declaration on Cleaner Production, of PNUMA (United Nations Environment Program)  which represents a commitment of organizations to sustainable production and was launched in 1998 in Seoul, South Korea.
  • Signatory in the “Beijing Consensus”, which specifies the principles for cooperation between universities in the BRICS countries on education, science and innovation to ensure the progress and development of human resources.
  • Signatory of the scientific cooperation agreement between UNIP and the University of Sonora (UNISON), Mexico, allowing several joint academic actions, such as the exchange of teachers and students. The Post-Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering and Sustainable Development of UNISON has Status Conacyt in the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico of Program of Excellence with International Competence.
  • Agreement with Parthenope University, Naples, Italy, developing joint research.
  • Post-Doctorate internship by the PhD and researcher Leticia Prevez Pascual, from the Tropical Fruit Research Institute in Cuba, head of industry and project director, with FAPESP scholarship
  • Agreement with Siena University (Italy) - aiming at the establishment of several joint academic actions, with emphasis on the exchange of teachers and students of the two institutions. Dr. Simone Bastianoni joined the International Committee of the 5th International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production, held in May at UNIP, in 2015.
  • Partnership with the Free University of Brussels – Qalinca Laboratory: Logistics & Transports Systems; Design Engineering Management
  • Partnership with Universidade de Valladolid (Spain), for the conduction of sandwich programmes.

PPGEP teachers have been conducting research with several groups in different universities in Japan. They are:

  • Tsukuba University, Joint research with the group on "Annotated systems and applications”.
  • University of Hyogo e Shizuoka University, joint research, on the same topic, with their groups. With the Shizuoka University institution there is an official bilateral agreement.
  • With Prof. Dr. Alieza Ahrary and group, from Sojo University, research development on the subject "Annotated systems and applications in Production Engineering”.


The UNIP maintains several national agreement:

  • Agreement signed in 2009 between Universidade Paulista - UNIP and Santander Universities.
  • Agreement signed in 2008 between FIESP - Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo and Universidade Paulista - UNIP.
  • Agreement with the Dorina Nowill Foundation for research on Keller electronic device for the visually and hearing impaired.