Systems of Processes in Production Engineering
Conceptualization and history. Strategy and organization. Operations management. Production planning and control. Production types. Stocks. Company’s economy, costs. Product Engineering. Production topics: bottlenecks, machine load, time and movement study, layout, lean production, materials movement, logistics, outsourcing, maintenance, labor health and safety, ergonomics, cleaner production, sustainability, ethics, and social responsibility. Services. Quality and productivity. Information Technology.
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COSTA NETO, P. L. O. (Org.). Qualidade e Competência nas Decisões. Blucher, São Paulo, 2007.
COSTA NETO, P. L. O. ; CANUTO, S. A . . Administração com Qualidade. São Paulo : Blucher, 2010.
RIFKIN, Jeremy. A Terceira Revolução Industrial. São Paulo: M. Books, 2012.
SLACK, N.; JOHNSTON, R.; CHAMBERS, S. Administração de Produção. São Paulo: Atlas, 2009.