Gestão de Empresas de Serviços e "Servitização" da Manufatura

Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Engenharia de Produção

Services Operations Management and manufacture "Servitization"


The organization choice by the goods and services companies as a configuration encompassing the definition of produced value, the network’s positioning in value production for the customer, the production process and work organization: the set may be targeted to the “Dominant Product” logic or to the “Service Dominant” logic. Result intangibility and subjectivity in work organization. The customer’s participation in the product’s project, in the operation, and in result control. Integration of the organizational parts. Analysis of the trajectory of a company which adds services to its production range in order to analyze and criticize: the servitization strategy and the organization choice of a given company; analyzing and criticizing the work organization in the frontline; creating alternatives for and work production organization from observation of changes in the social, economic, or technological environment.


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