Música(s) e Cultura das Mídias

Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Comunicação


Music in the context of media languages: repertoires and their historical and aesthetic codifications. Forms of musical expression in the urban soundscape: Muzak, flashmobs, music on the street, for the stage and for the studio. The languages ​​of music in different media platforms (from analogue to digital): musical tracks (teledramaturgy, cinema), jingles, musical programs. The role of the performer (“performer”) and the encoding with the divine: from superstars to divas. Main references: body (Baitello), sonology (Iazzetta), soundscape (Schafer), performance (Zumthor), listening (Delalande; Chion; Wisnik) media platforms (Fernández).


BAITELLO Jr., N. The animal that stopped the clocks. São Paulo: Annablume, 1997.
BAITELLO Jr., N. The era of iconophagy. Communication and culture essays. São Paulo: Hacker Editores, 2005.
BAITELLO Jr., N. Image and emotion: exterior and interior movements. In: BAITELLO JR., N .; WULF, C. (Org.): Emotion and imagination: The senses of moving images. São Paulo: Estação das Letras e Cores, 2014.
FERNÁNDEZ, José Luis. Media Platforms. Elements of analysis and design of new experiences. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Crujía Futuribles, 2018.
GONZÁLEZ, J. P. The media corner: a brief history of the singing of the song in our house. Chilean musical magazine. Santiago, vol. 54, n.194, 2000. Available at: https://revistamusicalchilena.uchile.cl/index.php/RMCH/article/view/12580
IAZZETTA, F. Music and Technological Mediation. São Paulo: Perspective: FAPESP, 2010.
MC LUHAN, M. The media as extensions of man. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1988.
SCHAFER, R. M. The thinking ear. São Paulo: Edunesp, 1992.
SCHAFER, R. M. The tuning of the world. São Paulo: Edunesp, 2001.
SEVCENKO, N. The 21st century race - on the roller coaster loop. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2001.
VALENTE, H. The singing of the voice: between noise and silence. São Paulo: Annablume, 1999.
VALENTE, H. The voices of the song in the media. São Paulo: Via Lettera; FAPESP, 2003.
VALENTE, H. (Org.). Music and media: new approaches to song. São Paulo: Via Lettera: FAPESP, 2007. (In particular: Marcadet and Delalande).
WISNIK, J.M. Sound and meaning - another music story. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras: Círculo do Livro, 1989.
ZUMTHOR, P. Performance, reception, reading. São Paulo: Educ, 2000.
ZUMTHOR, P. Introduction to oral poetry. São Paulo: Editora da UFMG, 2010.