Meios e Mídia no Contexto da Pós-Verdade

Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Comunicação


Conceptualize and contextualize the phenomenon of post-truth based on epistemological, ethical and aesthetic assumptions. To analyze the practices of mediatization of social and political life from the perspective of new communication technologies. Analyze the field of dispute between journalism and social networks, in the search for the claim of legitimacy of the informative discourse. To study the mechanisms of production and propagation of journalistic narratives, in view of the war in networks, fake news, algorithms, robots (bots) and the news agencies (fact-checking).


Braga, J. L. Circuits versus social fields. In M. A. Mattos; J. Janotti Jr.; N. Jacks. (Org.), Mediation & Mediatization (pp. 31-52). Salvador: EDUFBA, 2012.
Bourdieu, Pierre. The symbolic power. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 1989.
D'Ancona, M. Post-Truth - The New War Against Facts in Times of Fake News. Faro Editorial: São Paulo, 2018.
Dunker, C.; Fuks, J.; Safatle, V. et. al. Ethics and Post-Truth. Dublinense: São Paulo, 2017.
Hjarvard, S. Midiatização: theorizing the media as an agent of social and cultural change. Matrizes 5(3), pp. 53-91, 2012.
Kakutani, M. A morte da verdade. Rio de Janeiro: Intrínseca, 2018.
Keyes, R. Era da pós-verdade: desonestidade e enganação na vida contemporânea. Voices: São Paulo, 2018.
Lyotard, Jean-François. The post-modern. Rio de Janeiro, José Olympio, 1986.
Santos, K. N. dos. In search of lost credibility: the journalistic investigation network in the era of fake news. Letramento: Belo Horizonte, 2019.